Mind Body Spirit Martial Arts

Reviews & Testimonials:

Written Testimonials from our Women's Self-Defense Workshops:

Participants of our women's self defense workshops wrote testimonials on plain sheets of page after each event. We then took a picture of them and posted them here. Each review can be enlarged by pressing or clicking on them.
(Want to see the original papers these testimonials were written on?

Please note: To view images in high megapixel format, click (or press) on them first, showing their larger version...

Then right click on them and choose "view image". If using mobile, hold down on image and choose "open image in new tab".

Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Women's Self Defense workshop written testimonial
Here is a video of some of our testimonial pages.
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island
testimonial - Women's Self Defense Long Island

Google Map Reviews

Request for instructor's autograph:

The picture below, shows a gentleman (which he posted on Facebook) holding a magazine depicting Grand Master Gene Perceval in his early years alongside with Grand Master Forrest Blair, pictured on the cover of Official Karate magazine. This gentleman here holding the magazine, looks forward to getting Grand Master Perceval's autograph at an upcoming convention.
Grand Master Gene Perceval autograph request
Grand Master Gene Perceval autograph request

Google Map Reviews

Google Map Reviews

Request for instructor's autograph:

Grand Master Gene Perceval autograph request
The picture above, shows a gentleman (which he posted on Facebook) holding a magazine depicting Grand Master Gene Perceval in his early years alongside with Grand Master Forrest Blair, pictured on the cover of Official Karate magazine. This gentleman here holding the magazine, looks forward to getting Grand Master Perceval's autograph at an upcoming convention.