Mind Body Spirit Martial Arts

Preparing for your first martial arts class

General Policies:

Preparing for martial arts class
Preparing for martial arts class

Skipping Classes:

If you are going to miss two or more consecutive classes, such as vacation, sickness, or personal matters, it is proper martial arts etiquette to inform your instructor in advance.

Not returning to class:

Please inform your instructor if either you or your child will no longer be taking martial art classes.

Call if you are ill:

Be considerate to others. If you are sick or not feeling well, or if you think you have a cold that can be transmitted to other students, call ahead of time and cancel your lesson.

Eating before class:

You shouldn't eat within an hour of your class because your body will have a hard time digesting your food and a strenuous exercise session can lead to discomfort, preventing you from working out to your maximum.

Jewelry in class:

Jewelry, rings, or watches should not be worn in class. These items can cause injury to yourself or another student because they can be torn off. Bracelets (including ankle bracelets), clip-on earrings and earrings for pierced ears are small, but can be very painful if struck. A medical bracelet in class is permitted. If you remove the medical bracelet for class, keep it nearby and let others know where it is.

Dress appropriately:

The showing of undergarments, bare chests, or anything that looks too sexy, torn, or dirty worn to class is improper martial arts etiquette.

Bad breath:

Before leaving home, brush your teeth and tongue. Use mouth wash and floss. Fresh breath is appreciated.

Perfume or fragrance:

Perfumes or fragrances are pleasant to smell, but not in a martial arts class. The only non-natural smell should be under arm, antiperspirant deodorant, which is highly recommended before entering class.

Fingernails and toenails:

All students should make sure that fingernails and toenails are trimmed short and kept smooth and clean. For some women, long finger nails are very important, but breaking a nail can be painful. Also keep in mind that nails can scratch or cut others. If you have long nails and they are very important to you, speak to your instructor. Making a tight fist with long nails is almost impossible.

Hair control:

Long hair down the back should be tied back or in a ponytail with a soft item. Long hair (bangs) covering the eyes should be controlled using a sweat band.

Leaving small children off at a martial arts class:

Your child's instructor strongly suggests that if your child is under the age of six, parents or a guardian should remain in the martial arts classroom while your child is taking a lesson.

Parents dropping children off:

  • When driving your child to a martial arts class, for safety reasons, please drop your child off outside of the facility where they do not have to walk amidst moving vehicles.
  • Children should not be left alone to cross streets or walk across a parking lot.
  • If you are early, do not leave the child standing alone outside the facility to wait for the facility to open.
  • Parents or relatives who drop off a student at the facility should park their car correctly and not double park or block traffic.
  • Small children must be safely escorted by a responsible adult or guardian to the class.
  • Small children should be brought into the class by a parent or guardian.
  • Once the child is inside the class, it is strongly suggested that the parent or guardian remain for the duration of the class for very young children.

* Picking up children after class:

If you must leave your child while he/she is taking a martial arts lesson, please inform the instructor, staff, or the instructor's adult assistant. The instructor is responsible for the safety of your child while in his/her care. If someone other than the parent or guardian is picking up your child, arrangements must be made in advance to inform the instructor. The instructor cannot release your child unless the instructor knows that the person picking up the child is known to be his or her parent or guardian. When picking up your child, you should enter the martial arts class and be seen by the instructor. Parents or guardians must understand that the martial arts instructor cannot leave your child unattended until your child is personally picked up – so it is important not to be late. If the parent wishes to have their child released from class on their own, a written letter must be given to the instructor informing them of your child's release.

Proper bowing upon entering a martial arts training area or room:

Bowing on entrance and exit of the training area maintains proper decorum (dignified behavior). Once inside the entry of the training room, the following procedure should be followed: step forward, move to the side of the doors so you do not to block the doorway, and do a 30 degree bow.

Entry and exit: Let others pass:

Please leave the door entrance and exit clear for others to pass through freely.

Arriving early before class:

Your instructor(s) prefers that you to arrive about ten to fifteen minutes early before class. Arriving reasonably early gives you adequate time to visit the bathroom and put on your uniform before class starts.

Decorum (proper behavior) when entering the class training area:

Do not make any loud sounds, play loud music, or have a loud conversation while in the doorway, even if a class is not in session. You're in a place of learning, and in a world where calmness and harmony are essential.

Student and guest's noise must remain low:

Please keep conversations at a very low volume as not to distract the students from learning. Crying babies and children running around, making noise should be taken outside to avoid disrupting the class. Parents or guardians should not leave those who are not students unattended.

Food, drinks and chewable items:

Do not enter a martial arts class or place of learning while chewing gum, eating, or drinking.

Using the bathroom:

You should relieve yourself before entering class. If you must use the bathroom, you must make this request to your instructor by raising your hand. Once granted, leave the mat quietly: bow out before leaving the mat, and bow upon returning.

Guests using cell phones during class:

If you need to use your mobile phone, please leave the teaching area. Guests and students should turn off their mobile phones prior to entering class. If a guest is expecting an important phone call, he/she should put the phone on vibrate and take the call outside. Please no phone conversations during class.

Guests are restricted from the class training area:

Guests are not permitted on the training floor.

No fooling around:

Pushing, shoving, or horse playing, or running in a martial arts environment is considered poor etiquette.

How to address the instructors and other students:

All students will address the instructor as sir or ma'am. The same is true in the parent child classes: the child addresses the parent as sir or ma'am; the parent addresses their child as sir or ma'am.

Leaving early from class:

If you must leave early, inform your instructor before class starts.

Feeling sick or ill in a martial arts environment:

If you feel sick, you must immediately inform your instructor. Extra physical exertion can cause you to become sicker and may cause you to vomit, lose consciousness, or exacerbate a pre-existing injury or medical condition.

Coughing or sneezing during class:

If you have to cough or sneeze during class, don't use your hand to cover your nose or mouth. Instead, cough or sneeze into your uniform sleeve close to where the arm bends on the inside portion of the elbow.

Being confused in class:

Your instructor does not want you to be confused in class. If you are unsure of something or have a problem understanding or performing a particular technique, raise your hand and ask for help.

When speaking, speak positively, not negatively:

When speaking to others, speak positively, not negatively. Talking (or thinking) negatively, especially about another person is contrary to our martial arts cause.

Talking while the instructor is talking or teaching:

Once you step onto the training floor and the class has started, there is no more talking. If someone is talking, do not raise your hand until that person has finished speaking.

Physical conditioning:

If you are unable to keep up with the rest of the class, do your best to follow.

Awarding of stars, patches, and belts:

You will be notified by your instructor when you are ready to test for the next belt rank. This question should never be posed by the student to the instructor.