Learn about martial arts lineage, history, and followed systems:

Many martial artists became legendary through history. Some were samurai and/or founders of different styles and systems, some of which are still practiced today. History tells us that unarmed martial arts began in China many centuries ago. How far back is still unknown. We are lead to believe the arts began by monks in a Shaolin monastery. The origins are obscure and shrouded in myth and secrecy. Unfortunately, there is no updated documentation or evidence to prove so. Many of the people involved in the early martial arts were mostly illiterate, and if there were any historical documentation, the Chinese Red Brigades would punish, kill or have people commit suicide for having such documents in their possession. As a result, important historical documents were destroyed. If there were any written histories or memoirs, over time they became lost, destroyed or thrown out. That leaves only one other historical source, passing down martial arts history orally.
As we all know, hearsay, especially when passed down through the generations, the "truth" changes. For this reason, unless there is actual documentation or proof, 'word of mouth' is only a tale until proven otherwise. Therefore, our research on this system's lineage can only be traced back into the 1600's.
Okinawa, also known as the Ryukyu Islands, were also occupied by other countries, including Japan and martial arts training was banned between certain years starting at 1477. And again, documentation was not kept.
Grandmaster Perceval, head of our system: Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan USA, has studied and trained in Japanese, Okinawan and Korean martial arts. Therefore, our lineage includes martial arts from all four countries. Lineage of our system like most martial arts, begins in China.
Ancient Martial Arts Lineage leading up to Grand Master Gene Perceval:
WANG JI, (1621-1689) - also known as "Wanshu".
Wang Ji was the leader of a large ambassadorial mission from China sent by the Qing government. In 1683 to the village of Tomari in Okinawa. Wang Ji was a poet, calligrapher, diplomat and a martial artist in the Shaolin tradition of Fujian White Crane style. He was credited teaching Chu'an Fa to the People of Tomari. A well known kata was named after him called Wanshu.
WONG CHUNG YOH (1630- ???)
Xingyiquan style. Master of Hsing-I, Chi-Kung and Qigong. From Fuzhou, a province in China. Student- Chatan Yara.
Studied Ch'uan Fa in China under a Shaolin Monk. Around 1756 Kusanku was sent to Okinawa as an ambassador of the Qing Dynasty in the village of Kanemura, near Naha City. During his stay, Kusanku instructed Kanga Sakukawa in martial arts.
CHATAN YARA (1668-1756)
From Chatan village in Okinawa. Started training at 12 in China under Wong Chung Yoh and Kusanku. He returned to Shuri Okinawa around 1700. Style Shuri Te. Student- Peichin Takahara.
Martial art styles Naha-Te, Shuri-Te & Tomari-Te are indigenous to the Ryukyu Islands, Okinawa.
TAKAHARA PEICHIN (a monk) (1683-1760)
From Shuri Okinawa. Known as the "Father of Okinawa Karate". Peichin is a title of status. Style: Ch'uan Fa. Teacher: Chatan Yara. Student: Kanga Sakugawa.
KANGA (Tode) SAGUGAWA (1733-1815)
From the village of Akata, Shuri Okinawa. Style: Te. Sakugawa. Kanga began his training in 1750 under Takahara Peichin, after six years trained under Kusanku style Ch'uan Fa. Developed style Shuri-Te which became Shorin-Ryu. Student: Sokon "Bushi" Matsumura. "TODE" a weaponless self-defense system developed in Okinawa.
SOKON "BUSHI" (warrior) MATSUMURA.(1797? - 1889?)
Village of Yamakawa, Shuri Okinawa. Studied Ch'uan Fa in China. Style Shuri-Te. Teachers, Kanga Sagugawa and Annan (also known as Chinto). Students, Motobu Choki, Chotoku Kyan, Anko Asato, Anko Itosu, Motobu Choyu, Kentsu Yabu & Nabe Matsumura.
KARYU UKU (aka) Giko Uku. (1800-1850)
Unknown information. Student, Kosaku Matsumora.
KISHIN TRYUYA (1804-1864)
Unknown information. Student, Kosaku Matsumora.
Ryukyu Kingdom, Okinawa. Style, Tomari-Te. Teachers, Karyu Uku, Kishin Teruya. Student, Chotoku Kyan.
Unknown origin. Ryukyu Kingdom. Studied Tomari-Te. Teachers, Karyu Uku (aka) Giko Uku & Kishin Teyuya. Students, Motobu Choki & Chotoku Kyan.
ANKO ITOSU (1831-1915)
Village of Gibo, Shuri Okinawa. Style: Shorin-Ryu, Shuri-Te. 1901 had karate introduced in Okinawa schools. Teachers, Nagahama Chickadee & Sokon Matsumura. Students, Choyu Motobu, Choki Motobu, Kentsu Yabu, Chomo Hanashiro, Gichin Funakoshi, Moden Yabiku, Kanken Toyama, Shinpan Gusukuma, Anbun Tokuda, Kenwa Mabuni, Choshin Chibana, Chojun Miyagi.
ANKO ASATO (1827-1906)
Style: Shuri-Te. Teacher: Sokon Matsumura. Student: Gichin Funako.
MOTOBU CHOYU (1857-1928)
Village of Akahira, Shuri Okinawa. The older brother of Motobu Choki. Teachers, Choshin Motorbus & Sokon Matsumura.
MOTOBU CHOKI (1870-1944)
Village of Akahira, Shuri Okinawa. Style, Shuri-Te & Tomari-Te. Founder of Motobu-Ryu. Younger brother of Motobu Choyu. Teachers, Sokon Matsumura, Sakuma Pechin, Anko Itosu & Kosaku Matsumora. Students, his son Chosei Motobu, Tatsuo Yamada, Sannosuke Ueshima, Yasuhiro Konishi, Hironori Otsuka, Tatsuo Shimabuku, Shoshin Nagamine, & Katsuya Miyahira.
CHOTOKU KYAN (1870-1945)
Shuri, Okinawa. Died of starvation. Style: Shorin-Ryu. Teachers: Sokon Matsumura, Yomitan Yara, Kokan Oyadomari, Maeda Pechin, Kosaku Matsumora, Tokumine Pechin. Students: Tatsuo Shimabuku, Ankichi Arakaki, Shoshin Nagamine, Zenryo Shimabukuro, Tsuyoshi Chitose, Joen Nakazato, Kori Hisataka.
ARAKAKI SEISHO (1840-1918)
Also known as Aragaki Tsuji & Pechin SeishoNaha, Okinawa. Style: Tode. Teacher: Wai Xinxian. Was an official on the royal court Ryukyu and held the title of Pechin. Students: Chitose Tsuyoshi, Gichin Funakoshi, Higaonna Kanryo, Uechi Kanbun, Kanken Toyama, Mabuni Kenwa.
HIGAONNA KANRYO (aka, Higashionna) (1853-1915)
Naha, Okinawa. Founder of Naha-Te (also known as Kenpo), a fighting style. Recognized as one of the first students of Fujian White Crane Kung Fu masters, namely Ryu Ryu Ro in Fuzhou region of China. Later returning to Okinawa teaching his skills. Teachers: Arakaki Seisho, Kojotaitei, Xie Zhongxiang, Wai Xinxian.
KENWA MABUNI (1888-1952)
Shuri, Okinawa. One of the first Okinawan to teach on the mainland of Japan. Developed Shinto-Ryu. Teachers: Anko Itosu, Higaonna Kanryo.
Shuri Ryukyu Kingdom, Okinawa. Known as the father of modern karate. Styles: Shori-Ryu, Shorin-Ryu, Shotokan karate. Teachers: Anko Asato, Anko Itosu. Students: Hironori Otsuka, Gigo Funakoshi (son), Isao Obata, Shigeru Egami, Teruyuki Okazaki, Tetsuhiko Asai, Masatoshi Nakayama, Tsutomu Ohshima, Taiji Kase, Mitsusuke Harada, Hirokazu Kanazawa, Won Kuk Lee, Matsutatsu Oyama, Osamu Ozawa
Ryukyu Kingdom, Okinawa. Moved from Okinawa to Tokyo in 1923. Son of Gichin Funakoshi, his teacher. Style: Shotokai. Students: Mitsusuke Harada, Taiji Kase, Won Kuk Lee.
WON KUK LEE (1907-2003)
Seoul, Korea. In 1926 moved to Tokyo, Japan. Styles: Shotokan. Formed Tang Soo Do in 1944 (way of the Chinese hand) In 1955 became known as Tae Kwon Do, in Japanese, known as Karate-do. Teachers: Gichin Funakoshi and Gigo Funakoshi. Students: Duk Sung Son, Snh Chung Kang, Woon Kyu Uhm, General Choi Hong Hi.
The battle of Okinawa, fought in the Ryukyu Islands During World War II, was an 82 day battle from early April to mid-June 1945. Few martial art masters survived the aftermath.
CHOJUN MIYAGI (1888-1953)
Higashimachi Naha, Okinawa. Founded the style of Goju-Ryu karate, meaning "hard-soft style". Teachers: Ryuko Aragaki, Higashionna (aka Higaonna). Students: Seikichi Toguchi, Meitoku Yagi, Seigo Tada. Tatsuo Shimabuku, * Ei'ichi Miyazato 1922-1999.
Ei'ichi Miyazato was the instructor of Master Chuck Merrimon who lived on Long Island and had a martial arts school in Oceanside, N.Y. In 1970, Master Gene Perceval 4th degree & Master Andrew Linick took over Chuck Merrimon's school.
Nago City Okinawa. Known as "the iron fist warrior". Founder of the Okinawa Kenpo Karate-Do Association. Teachers: Chomo Hanashiro 1869-1945, Anko Itosu, Kentsu Yabu.
Village of Gushikawa, Okinawa. Styles: Goju-Ryu, Shorin-Ryu, and founder of Isshin-Ryu. Teachers: his uncle, Chotoku Kyan, Chojun Miyagi, Choki Motobu, Taira Shinken, Students: Don Nagle (1938-1999) - from New Jersey.
Tomari Naha, Okinawa. Style: Matsubayashi-Ryu. Teachers, Taro Shimabuku, Ankichi Arakaki, Chotoku Kyan, Motobo Choki. Students: Chokie Kishaba, Takayoshi Nagamine, Katsuhiko Shinzato, Ansei Ueshiro.
ANSEI UESHIRO (1933-2002)
Kin, Okinawa. Moved to Long Island in the beginning of 1962. Style: Matsubayshi-Ryu. Teachers: Anho Ueshiro, Entasu Isaenta, Toguchi Seitoku, Shoshin Nagamine. Students: Long list of Americans from Long Island including Gene Perceval.
Due to the occupation of Korea by Japan 1910-1945, martial arts were forbidden to be practiced. As a result, there is no documentation of lineage during that period. Founders of systems, such as Hwang Kee and General Hong Hi Choi left little lineage of their teachers.
SONG DUK KI (1893-1987)
Style: Taek Kyon. Due to the occupation of Korea by Japan, martial arts were banned. Song Duk Ki kept Taek Kyon alive at great risk and in secret. Teacher: unknown. Student: Han Il Dong.
HAN IL DONG (Birth-death dates unknown)
Style, Taek Kyon. Teacher, unknown. Student, General Hong Hi.
KIM HYUN SOO (birth/death dates unknown)
Style: Karate. Type: unknown. Student, General Choi Hong Hi.
General CHOI HONG HI (1918-2002)
Hwa Hyun Soo which now is North Korea. Styles, Shotokan Gichin Funakoshi, Shotokai Gigo Funakoshi, Taekkyeon, founder of Tae Kwon Do. Teachers, Gichin Funakoshi, Gigo Funakoshi, Han Il Dong (trkkyeon), Kim Hyun Soo. No mention of students.
As of present day, it is estimated that over 40 million people world wide practice Tae Kwon Do.
YANG KUK JIN (birth/death dates unknown)
Chinese master in China. Teacher of Hwang Kee who is the founder of Moo Duk Kwan.
Teacher: Yang Kuk Gin. Due to the Japanese occupation of Korea, Hwang Kee studied on his own from 1921 until 1936. In 1937 Kee returned to Seoul Korea. After Japan's occupation in 1945, Kee founded Moo Duk Kwan then Hwa Soo Do. In 1945, he changed the name to Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan.
GRAND MASTER CHUN CHAE KYU (birth/death dates unknown)
Style:Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan.
Instructor: Hwang Kee.
Student: Gene Perceval.
Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A. Lineage and Followed Systems (1955 - present):
Grand Master Eugene(Gene) Perceval (1940-present):
Born in Huntington, Long Island, New York. Started martial arts in 1955. Styles learned: Japanese Kodokan Judo, Aikido, and Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate.
Instructors: Masters: Matsamoto, Katsuo Watanabe, Uneska, Shunichi Ito, Shina, (first names unknown), and Jerome Mackey. Judo and Karate instructor: Master George Smith.
Karate instructor: Grandmaster Ansei Ueshiro (Okinawa style), Matsubayshi-Ryu. Grandmaster Chun Chae Kyu.
Style: Tae kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan.
When returning from Korea in 1965, 2nd Dan, Gene Perceval went on his own and formed Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A. In 1986 master Gene Perceval further developed his own style of martial arts, consisting of how the mind and body biomechanics interact and has been teaching masters at his martial arts laboratory.
- #2 Warren Montagnino
- #3 Forrest Blair
- #4 Raymond Gay
- #5 John Moore Jr
- #6 Ronald Mckenzie
- #8 Kurt E. Wells
- #9 Thomas P. Montalbine
- #41 Lennie Colletti
- #80 Richard E. Kaufman
- #81 Robert M. Spilky
Note: The following black belts of the TAE KWON DO MOO DUK KWAN U.S.A. system are those who produced black belt students:
Became black belt 12-16-1968. Updated 2015- 8th degree. Instructor: Gene Perceval. Near the end of the 1980's, Warren Montagnino formed American Combat Karate, which is a realistic street combat style, 10th degree.
Students:- Michael Higgins
- Ronnie Baer
- Pat Abruzzo
- Chet Pietrzak
- Ronald MacKenzie
- Frank Finnigan
- Lennie Romeo
- Richard Barathy
- Scott Offner
- Mike Ferlice
- Perry Ferlice
- Frank Pugliani
- Richard Calvagno
GRAND MASTER FORREST G. BLAIR # 3. (1950-present)
Became black belt 06-18-1969. Updated 2015-8th degree. Instructor: Gene Perceval - - followed by other instructors (unknown).
- Charles Graham
- John Parker - D.O.B.: (1952)
- Tyrone Williams - D.O.B.: (1952)
- Dwight O. Allen - D.O.B.: (1955)
- Donald E. Jones jr. - D.O.B.: (1956)
- John P. Orem - D.O.B.: (1959)
- Timothy Krulikowski Sr. - D.O.B.: (1946)
- Henery Eldridge - D.O.B.: (1952)
- Tom Basgil - D.O.B.: 1959
- Tim Krulikowski jr. - D.O.B.: (1966)
- Bennett M Kolber D.O.B.: (1951)
- Ray Fitch - D.O.B.: (1961)
- John Zayac - D.O.B.: (1962)
- Warren LaBonte - D.O.B.: (1955)
- Robyn Leavitt - D.O.B.: (1973)
- Tim Zayac - D.O.B.: (1966)
- Nick Racioppi - D.O.B.: (1958)
- William E. Lundrigan - D.O.B.: (1945)
- Mathew Fenter - D.O.B.: (1965)
- Raymond Simoglow - D.O.B.: (1964)
- Michael Cimorelli - D.O.B.: (1960)
- Kyle E. Magrann - D.O.B.: (1979)
- Daniel Walker - D.O.B.: (1978)
- Anthony Gangemi - D.O.B.: (1959)
- Robert Aaron Addis - D.O.B.: (1965)
- Chris R. Pilla - Back belt: (2000)
- Charles A. Nichols jr. - Back belt: (10-26-2000)
- Raymond T. Mc Kennedy - Black belt: (10-26-2000)
- David P. Venafra - Back belt: (10-26-2000)
- George W. Biddulph - Back belt: (10-26-2000)
- Charles A. Nichols sr. - Back belt: (10-26-2000)
- Emily C. Dietrich - Back belt: (10-26-2000)
- Nicole L. Brown - Back belt: (10-26-2000)
- Daniel W. Aydelotte - Back belt: (10-26-2000)
- John E. Tegan - Back belt.: (10-26-2000)
- Zarah Aslam - Back belt.: (10-26-2000)
- Daniel B. Burfeind - D.O.B.: (1954)
- Nicholas J. DeFulio - D.O.B.: (1988)
- Francesco Stornido - D.O.B.: (1985)
- Michael Storniolo - D.O.B.: (1989)
- Guy A. Dietrich jr. - D.O.B.: (1987)
- Mark R. Donaldson - D.O.B.: (1988)
- John K. Conway - D.O.B.: (1989)
- Amber M. Conway - D.O.B.: (1987)
- Crystal A. Conway - D.O.B.: (1984)
- Constantin E. Chepurny - D.O.B.: (1958)
Became black belt 06-28-1969 #4. Updated 2015-8th degree Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S. A. Later founder of United States Black Cat Kenpo Karate Federation.
Instructor: Gene Perceval.
Students: Arthur Beins, (others unknown).
GRAND MASTER JOHN MOORE jr. (1948-present)
Became black belt 06-27-1970 #5. Updated 2018-10th degree, Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructor: Gene Perceval.
- Tony Boggan #13
- Cory T. Holley #73
- Robert L. McCabe #74
- Beverly D. McCabe #75
- Denise B. Holley #76
- Sabato Trent #77
- Patrick Field #78
- Glayds M. K. Dufrane #79
- Joseph Jones #82
- Micheal T. Powell #83
- Kenneth R. Dupree #84
- Olene Solomon #85
- Fulani O. Jones #86
- Aisha Z. Jones #87
- Jerry C. Rios #89
Became black belt 01-10-1971 #7. Updated 2015-8th degree, Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructor: Forrest Blair.
Students: Johnnie Q. Wade jr. #12, Charles Ansert #17.
Website: American Moo Duk Kwan Federation
Charles Graham later became founder of American Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan system. See our section on his system.
GRAND MASTER KURT WELLS (1949 - present)
Became black belt 08-17-1971 #8. Updated 2018-10th degree Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructor: Gene Perceval.
- Tony Boggan #13
- Cory T. Holley #73
- Robert L. McCabe #74
- Beverly D. McCabe #75
- Denise B. Holley #76
- Sabato Trent #77
- Patrick Field #78
- Glayds M. K. Dufrane #79
- Joseph Jones #82
- Micheal T. Powell #83
- Kenneth R. Dupree #84
- Olene Solomon #85
- Fulani O. Jones #86
- Aisha Z. Jones #87
- Jerry C. Rios #89
GRAND MASTER ART BEINS (1954 - present)
Became black belt (10-06-1974) # 15. Updated 8th degree Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructor: Raymond Gay #4. President of the Unites States Black Cat Kenpo Karate Federation. See section to see the system.
JOHNNIE Q. WADE (1953 - present)
Became black belt (09-16-1973) #12. Tae kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructor: Charles Graham #7.
Student: James E. White #16.
JOHN P. OREM (1959 - present)
Became black belt on (10-30-1977), #19 Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructor: Forrest Blair #3.
- Bennett M. Kolber #25
- John Basgil #26
- Steven Bongiorno #28
- Ray Fitch #34
- Nick Racioppi #35
- Doug Abrams #36
- Robert Stout #47
TIM KRULIKOWSKI Sr. (1946 - present)
Became black belt on (Aug 1983), #23 Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructor: Forrest Blair # 3.
- Tim Krulikowski jr.
- Craig Woodruff #24
- Shane Woodruff #27
- Steven Bunion #28
- Lewis Bowman jr. #29
STEVEN BONGIORNO (1973 - present)
Became black belt (01-27-1990), #28 Tae kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructors: John Orem #19, Tim Krulikowski Sr. #20, Tim Krulikowski Jr. #23.
Student: Robert Stout #47. Steven Bongiorno started another style.
WARREN LABONTE (1955 - present)
Became black belt on (02-10-1990) #31, Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructor: Forrest Blair #3.
- Dan Poisson #37
- William E. Laundryman #40
- Mathew Fenter #42
- Raymond Simoglow #43
- David R. Cote #49
JOHN ZAYAC (1962 - present)
Became black belt on (02-10-1990), #30 Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructor: Forrest Blair #3. Student: Dan Poisson #37, William E. Laundryman #40.
TIM ZAYAC (1966 - present)
Became black belt on(11-05-1991), #33 Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A.
Instructor: Forrest Blair #3.
Student: Steven B. Gilbert #39.
TRAVIS WELLS (1970 - present)
Became black belt on 04-16-1994), #38 Tae kwon do Moo Duk kwan U.S.A.
Instructors: Warren LaBonte #31, John Zayac #30.
Student: Robert Stout #47.
Located in Oceanside Long island N.Y. Became black belt on (06-06-1970), #41. Updated 2015-3rd degree; retired Tae kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U. S.A. Master Colletti number has been over looked in the systems main book and should be lower.
Instructor: Gene Perceval.
Student: Kenny Weiss #90 -- as of 2014: 5th degree
MASTER DR. RICHARD E. KAUFMAN (1959 - present)
Located in East Rockaway Long Island N.Y. Tae kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A. #80, Updated 2015-5th degree. Attained 1st degree on 6-17-89. He's been in this system since 2000. Original black belt instructor: Mike Masley (deceased).
Instructor: Gene Perceval.
- Kelly Dong (3rd degree)
- Thomas Torvoriei
- Dean Thorsen
- Michael Johnson
- Michael Brito
- Danny Hahl
- Chris Mango
- Tracy Dong
- Joe Marciano.
Note: The following systems (to our knowledge) have descended from Grandmaster Gene Perceval:
- American Combat Karate.
- Founder: Grand Master Warren Montagnino.
- United States Black Cat Kenpo Karate Federation:
- Founder: Grand Master Raymond Gay.
- American Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan:
- Founder: Grand Master Charles Graham.
- Tonji System:
- Founder: Grand Master
- Hard/Soft System:
- Founder: Grand Master
American Combat Karate:
U.S. Black Cat Kenpo Karate Federation:
American Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan:
Tonji System:
Hard/Soft System:
Founder: Grand Master Warren Montagnino
Founder: Grand Master Raymond Gay
Founder: Grand Master Charles Graham
Founder: Grand Master
Founder: Grand Master
There are many more that we have yet to make contact with. If you are or know of someone who is living or has deceased and has a black belt from this lineage tree, please contact us. This is the central location to collect this information. Please include the system's name and your past black belt instructors names from this lineage and how we can make contact for verification.
# | First Name | Last Name |
1 | Warren | Montagnino |
2 | Mickey | Higgens |
3 | Ronny | Baer |
4 | Pat | Abruzzo |
5 | Chet | Pietrzak |
6 | Ron | McKenzie |
7 | Frank | Finnegan |
8 | Lenny | Romeo |
9 | Richie | Barathy |
10 | Scott | Offner |
11 | Mike | Ferlice |
12 | Perry | Ferlice |
13 | Frank | Pugliani |
14 | Richie | Calvagno |
United States Black Cat Kenpo Karate Federation. Founded in 1974.
The following are black belt names and the date they made black belt:
# | First Name | Last Name | Blackbelt |
0. | Grand Master Raymond | Gay. | 06-28-1969 |
1. | Grand Master Art | Beins. CEO. | 10-6-1974 |
2. | Richie | Pavlak | 04-15-84 |
3. | Paul | Prendergast | 05-20-84 |
4. | Peter | Pascale | 11-18-84 |
5. | Terry | Beins | 01-27-85 |
6. | Dusty | Everson | 01-27-85 |
7. | Andy | Izatt | 07-28-85 |
8. | Larry | Mesimer | 07-28-85 |
9. | Aenold | Lau | 08-30-86 |
10. | Brian | Jones | 08-30-86 |
11. | Scott | Bilker | 05-03-87 |
12. | John | Holland | 06-28-87 |
13. | Kenny | Drozd | 08-16-87 |
15. | Ernesto | Olmeda | 09-24-88 |
16. | Michael | DelValle | 02-25-89 |
17. | Robyn | Pulvino | 04-22-89 |
18. | Clifford | Hussey | 08-26-89 |
19. | Greg | Hussey | 08-26-89 |
20. | James | Meghdir | 08-26-89 |
22. | Eddie | Anderson | 12-09-89 |
23. | Philip | Hochhauser | 12-09-89 |
24. | Joe | Gregory | 06-30-90 |
25. | Joe | Parets | 12-22-90 |
26. | Edwardo | Alvarado | 12-22-90 |
27. | Unknown | unknown | unknown |
28. | Michael | Gregory | 07-27-91 |
29. | Ryan | Richards | 07-27-91 |
30. | Tom | Curry | 08-08-91 |
31. | Steven | Eng | 11-30-91 |
32. | Jennifer N. | Bennett | 11-30-91 |
33. | Debbie | Delisi | 11-30-91 |
34. | Eric | Levine | 07-11-92 |
35. | Bob | Decotiis | 07-11-92 |
36. | Brett | Misorski | 07-11-92 |
37. | Charles | Burke | 12-19-92 |
38. | Edward | Madison | 12-19-92 |
39. | Ralph | Seda | 12-19-92 |
40. | Danny | Rosen | 08-28-93 |
41. | Anthony | Moscato | 08-28-93 |
42. | Richard | Nichols | 08-28-93 |
43. | Ted | Natoli | 08-28-93 |
44. | Daniel | Mayid | 06-25-94 |
45. | Evan | Mageros | 06-25-94 |
46. | Bill | Bilejeski | 06-25-94 |
47. | Dean | Katsoupas | 06-25-94 |
48. | Nicholas | Sollogub | 08-27-94 |
49. | Carl | Beams | 09-24-94 |
50. | Vincent | Meghdir | 09-24-94 |
51. | Jeffrey | Oserek | 09-24-94 |
53. | Jose | DeLeon Jr. | 03-10-95 |
54. | Eric | McLoughlin | 03-10-95 |
55. | Francis | Mesimer | 03-10-95 |
56. | Russell | Moriarty | 03-10-95 |
57. | Charles | Taverna | 03-10-95 |
58. | Robert | Iacobucci | 03-19-95 |
59. | Adam | Mescal | 03-19-95 |
61. | Erik | Ceuz | 08-26-95 |
62. | Vincent | Panza | 02-10-96 |
63. | James | Sorge | 02-10-96 |
64. | Olga | Schmid | 03-10-96 |
65. | Bradley | Hersh | 09-28-96 |
66. | Anthony | Orlasky | 09-28-96 |
67. | Timothy | Rashkin | 09-28-96 |
69. | Melinda | Gordon | 01-25-97 |
70. | Karen | Zeman | 01-25-97 |
71. | Robert | Beierschmitt | 09-22-97 |
72. | Joseph | Imbimbo | 02-03-97 |
73. | Kate | Pytko | 11-01-97 |
74. | Robert | Brienza | 11-01-97 |
75. | George | Grunenberg | ???????? |
76. | Lou | Costagliola | 09-12-98 |
77. | Rohit | Dave | 09-12-98 |
78. | Dann | Aquino | 03-20-99 |
79. | Ken | Gershberg | 03-20-99 |
80. | Craig | Kinmon | 09-18-99 |
81. | Ryan | Moriarty | 09-18-99 |
82. | Liz | Orbin | 09-18-99 |
83. | Richard | Scibetti | 09-18-99 |
84. | Kyle | Sharow | 09-18-99 |
85. | Ryan | Sulikowski | 09-18-99 |
86. | Walter J. | Manongdo | 12-18-99 |
87. | David | Siegel | 12-18-99 |
89. | Russell | Renaud | 02-12-00 |
90. | Jose | Valencia | 02-12-00 |
91. | Dick | Somers | 06-05-99 |
92. | Christopher | Boyd | 06-05-99 |
93. | Jonathan | Ladeau | 07-21-01 |
94. | David | Brienza | 07-21-01 |
95. | John | DeMata | 07-21-01 |
96. | Allison | Cohen | 07-21-01 |
97. | Bobby | Uzzolino | 07-21-01 |
98. | Malay | Das | 07-21-01 |
99. | Steven | Mennona | 07-21-01 |
100. | Dimitri | Dimakides | 07-21-01 |
101. | Christopher | Kukowski | 07-21-01 |
102. | Alex | Dorko | 07-21-01 |
103. | Mackenzie | Ferguson | 04-27-02 |
104. | Justin | Nunno | 04-27-02 |
105. | James | Rowland | 08-24-02 |
106. | Neal | Steed | 08-24-02 |
107. | Erik | Lindstrom | 12-21-02 |
108. | Dan | Noonan | 12-21-02 |
109. | Drew | Auerbach | 12-21-02 |
110. | Josephine | Terranova | 12-21-02 |
111. | Christina | Green | 03-22-03 |
112. | Nathan | Spare | 03-22-03 |
113. | Samuel | Spare | 03-22-03 |
114. | Andrew | Tang | 03-22-03 |
115. | John | Teranova | 05-17-03 |
116. | Matthew | Artz | 08-02-03 |
117. | Anthony | Defabritus | 08-02-03 |
118. | Samantha | Hantzepetros | 08-02-03 |
119. | Taryn | Ladeau | 08-02-03 |
120. | John | Mongelluzzo | 08-02-03 |
121. | Chris | Noonan | 08-02-03 |
122. | Cheryl | Spare | 08-02-03 |
123. | Jade | Willams | 08-02-03 |
124. | Rachel | Auerbach | 08-02-03 |
125. | Jacki | Avon | 12-03-03 |
126. | Stephanie | Avon | 12-13-03 |
127. | Victoria | Avon | 12-13-03 |
128. | Eric | Testa | 12-13-03 |
129. | Bob | Wood | 12-13-03 |
130. | David | Murdoch | 04-07-04 |
131. | Bradley | Birnbaum | 04-24-04 |
132. | Nicholas | Herd | 04-24-04 |
133. | Noel | Marino | 04-24-04 |
134. | Chris | Iorio | 07-17-04 |
135. | Bryce | Uzzolino | 07-17-04 |
136. | Chris | Yoda | 07-17-04 |
137. | Wendy | Greco | 12-18-04 |
138. | Rick | Price | 12-18-04 |
139. | James | VanEtten | 12-18-04 |
140. | Matthew | Brienza | 03-19-05 |
141. | Paul | Kelly | 03-19-05 |
142. | Austin | Biber | 03-19-05 |
143. | Beau | Decker | 03-19-05 |
144. | Cindle | DeDomenico | 03-19-05 |
145. | Casey | Doyle | 03-19-05 |
146. | Eric | Schall | 03-19-05 |
147. | Nick | Reyonlds | 03-19-05 |
148. | Frank | Parker | 03-19-05 |
149. | Alyssa | Cruz | 07-23-05 |
150. | Justin | Cruz | 07-23-05 |
151. | Lorraine | Dolamore | 07-23-05 |
152. | Robert | Ticse | 07-23-05 |
153. | Chip | Decker | 12-10-05 |
154. | Alex | Roberts | 12-10-05 |
155. | Stephan | Figaro | 12-10-05 |
156. | Zachary | Magner | 12-10-05 |
157. | Brian | Napolitan | 12-10-05 |
158. | Kelsey | Miller | 03-11-06 |
159. | Brittany | Kurdewan | 03-11-06 |
160. | Alice | Wood | 03-11-06 |
161. | Tim | Mullen | 06-03-06 |
162. | Cody | Dornblaser | 06-03-06 |
163. | Daniel | LaGuardia | 09-09-06 |
164. | Connor | Balog | 12-09-06 |
165. | Morgan | Balog | 12-09-06 |
166. | Christina | Dimakides | 12-09-06 |
167. | Nicholas | Garcia | 12-09-06 |
168. | Alphonse | Greco | 12-09-06 |
169. | Mark | Price | 12-09-06 |
170. | Nicholas | Quattrock | 12-09-06 |
172. | Stephanie | Harrold | 12-09-06 |
173. | Megan | Welsh | 12-09-06 |
174. | Vincent | Chiara | 03-10-07 |
175. | Thomas | Curry jr. | 03-10-07 |
176. | Derek | Basile | 06-09-07 |
177. | Anthony | D'Ambrosio | 06-09-07 |
178. | John M. | DePinto | 06-09-07 |
179. | Brian | Ho | 06-09-07 |
180. | Gene | Landino Sr. | 06-09-07 |
181. | Gene | Landino jr. | 06-09-07 |
182. | Katherine | Monahan | 06-09-07 |
183. | Katelyn | White | 06-09-07 |
184. | Alex | Deckhut | 06-09-07 |
185. | Cody | LaVance | 06-09-07 |
186. | Joseph | Bohner | 06-09-07 |
187. | William | Antonides | 12-08-07 |
188. | Joseph | Madaio | 12-08-07 |
189. | Rian | Block | 12-08-07 |
191. | Jake | Salvatore | 12-08-07 |
192. | Travis | Turbe | 12-08-07 |
193. | Matthew | Payne | 12-08-07 |
194. | Justim | Clapper | 12-08-07 |
195. | Mark | Zuverink | 12-08-07 |
196. | Kyle | Solowski | 12-08-07 |
197. | Jimmy | Montgomery | 12-08-07 |
198. | Tom | Callahan | 02-04-08 |
199. | Walter | Kelso | 03-08-08 |
200. | Michael | Kurpiewski | 03-08-08 |
201. | Austin | Marques | 03-08-08 |
202. | Amy | Rarick | 03-08-08 |
203. | Douglas | Keller | 03-08-08 |
204. | Anthony | Santoriello jr. | 03-08-08 |
205. | Francis | Santoriello | 03-08-08 |
206. | Lauren | Vincent | 03-08-08 |
207. | Marc | Salerno | 03-08-08 |
208. | Gabriella | Constuble | 05-31-08 |
209. | Dominick | Russo | 05-31-08 |
210. | Danny | Saunders | 05-31-08 |
211. | Erin | Stringer | 05-31-08 |
212. | Anthony | DeSeno | 05-31-08 |
213. | Megan | McLean | 05-31-08 |
214. | Amylee | Sanders | 05-31-08 |
215. | Cathy | Lund | 06-10-08 |
216. | Ted | Dembowski | 09-06-08 |
217. | Samantha | Ebner | 09-06-08 |
218. | Steven | Jacobson | 09-06-08 |
219. | Nicole | Lund | 09-06-08 |
220. | Chanee | Peterson | 09-06-08 |
221. | Anthony | Troianiello | 09-06-08 |
222. | Jason | Ma | 09-06-08 |
223. | Timothy | Russo | 09-06-08 |
224. | James | Stonaker | 09-06-08 |
225. | Raymond | DeVaughn | 09-06-08 |
226. | Bryan | Hanvey | 09-06-08 |
227. | Brian | Preiser | 09-06-08 |
228. | Andrew | Samuel | 09-06-08 |
229. | Justin | Peters | 10-23-08 |
230. | Christian | Albino | 12-06-08 |
231. | Aniya | Lynn | 12-06-08 |
232. | Mary Ann | Marques | 12-06-08 |
233. | Reavis | Schembri | 12-06-08 |
234. | Elizabeth | Davison | 04-25-09 |
235. | Kyle | Madaio | 04-25-09 |
236. | Mark | Marzigliano | 04-25-09 |
237. | John | Pace | 04-25-09 |
238. | Alaxis | Keller | 04-25-09 |
239. | Tim | Leitstein | 04-25-09 |
240. | Kelly | O'Neil | 04-25-09 |
241. | Rick | Wlazlowski | 04-25-09 |
242. | Dominick | Mercadante | 04-25-09 |
243. | Rocco | Muro | 04-25-09 |
244. | Samantha | Welsh | 04-25-09 |
245. | Tyler | Bennett | 08-29-09 |
246. | Anthony | Gingerelli | 08-29-09 |
247. | Toni | Gingerelli | 08-29-09 |
248. | Matthew | Goldzman | 08-29-09 |
249. | Alyssa | Rabo | 08-29-09 |
250. | David | Ruggiero | 08-29-09 |
251. | Brandon | Ruloff | 08-29-09 |
252. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
253. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
254. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
255. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
256. | Michael | Gero | 08-29-09 |
257. | Robert | Giuliano | 08-29-09 |
258. | Nicole | Lacap | 08-29-09 |
259. | Johnny | Lucas | 08-29-09 |
260. | Zachary | McCraw | 08-29-09 |
261. | John | Mnich | 08-29-09 |
262. | Dylan | Bale | 08-29-09 |
263. | John | Dimasi | 08-29-09 |
264. | Luke | Garripoli | 08-29-09 |
265. | Kelly | Jacoby | 08-29-09 |
266. | T.J. | Stackhouse | 08-29-09 |
267. | Robbie | Wood | 08-29-09 |
268. | Chris | Alberti | 08-29-09 |
269. | Connor James | Gill | 08-29-09 |
270. | Dan | McCauley | 08-29-09 |
271. | Chanel | Rogers | 11-21-09 |
272. | Michael | Rogers | 11-21-09 |
273. | Kyle | Daum | 11-21-09 |
274. | Aneesh | Godbole | 11-21-09 |
275. | Ryan | Pongrac | 11-21-09 |
276. | Matthew | Resnick | 11-21-09 |
277. | Brandon | Velasco | 11-21-09 |
278. | Eric | Williams | 11-21-09 |
279. | Jamie | Amadruto | 11-21-09 |
280. | Tyler | Brierley | 11-21-09 |
281. | Christopher | Canaletich | 03-13-10 |
282. | Gianna | Cainzos | 03-13-10 |
283. | Frankie | D'Astoli | 03-13-10 |
284. | Sheldon | Glemaud | 03-13-10 |
285. | Anthony | Graybush | 03-13-10 |
286. | Michael | Murphy | 03-13-10 |
287. | Joseph | Bogdanski | 03-13-10 |
288. | Jason | Lange | 03-13-10 |
289. | Scotty | Forbes | 03-13-10 |
290. | Shannon | McKenna | 03-13-10 |
291. | Michael | Gorretz | 06-05-10 |
292. | Barge | Brandon | 06-05-10 |
293. | Della Bella | Victor | 06-05-10 |
294. | Mary Ellen | Deckhut | 06-05-10 |
295. | Stephanie | Getmanov | 09-18-10 |
296. | Angela | Sansevero | 09-18-10 |
297. | Brianna | Sansevero | 09-18-10 |
298. | Brianna | White | 09-18-10 |
299. | Anthony | Baldachino | 09-18-10 |
300. | Christopher | Barilla | 09-18-10 |
301. | Bob | Baumann | 09-18-10 |
302. | Ashley | Carioni | 09-18-10 |
303. | Sean | Lacy | 09-18-10 |
304. | Deborah | Lacy | 09-18-10 |
305. | Kiersten | Litton | 09-18-10 |
306. | Andrew | Maggs | 09-18-10 |
307. | Conor | McGullam | 09-18-10 |
308. | Jackson | Tave | 09-18-10 |
309. | John | Vasiliu | 09-18-10 |
315. | Patrick | Seitz | 09-18-10 |
316. | Lizia | Sweigaer | 09-18-10 |
317. | Brandon | Kuzianik | 09-18-10 |
318. | Michael | Ziemba | 12-11-10 |
319. | Thomas | Hinz | 12-11-10 |
320. | Keith | Quarles | 12-11-10 |
321. | Kaitiyn | Rubio | 12-11-10 |
322. | Ryan | Hill | 12-11-10 |
323. | Chris | Stefan | 03-12-11 |
324. | Jocelyn | Dacquel | 03-12-11 |
325. | Chris | Kellett | 03-12-11 |
326. | Gregory | Hanley | 03-12-11 |
327. | Anshul | Agrawal | 03-12-11 |
328. | Thomas | Agin | 03-12-11 |
329. | Theodore | Siciliano | 03-12-11 |
330. | Russel | Parentela | 06-04-11 |
331. | Leah | Parentela | 06-04-11 |
332. | Sean | O'Donnell | 06-04-11 |
333. | Julie | Almaguer | 09-10-11 |
334. | Christopher | Clemente | 09-10-11 |
335. | Isabel | Clemente | 09-10-11 |
336. | Jerry l | Gonzalez jr. | 09-10-11 |
337. | Victoria | Quattrock | 09-10-11 |
338. | Daniel | Schlosser | 09-10-11 |
339. | Gabrielle | Tinus | 09-10-11 |
340. | Kyle | Albany | 09-10-11 |
341. | Evan | Baldachino | 09-10-11 |
342. | David | Jahn | 09-10-11 |
343. | Riley | Shea | 09-10-11 |
344. | Nick | Viscuso | 09-10-11 |
345. | James | Wavre | 09-10-11 |
346. | Catina | Hinz | 09-10-11 |
347. | Peter | Ferraro | 09-10-11 |
348. | Meaghan | Gillespie | 09-10-11 |
349. | David | Dong | 12-03-11 |
350. | Michela | Glemaud | 12-03-11 |
351. | Nicole | Siverz | 12-03-11 |
352. | Jacob | Wendell | 12-03-11 |
353. | Joseph | Demuner | 12-03-11 |
354. | Madison | Gerencser | 12-03-11 |
355. | Catherine | Hinz | 12-03-11 |
356. | Aidan | Mulreed | 12-03-11 |
357. | Barry | Nash | 12-03-11 |
358. | Denzel | Tovar | 12-03-11 |
359. | Joseph | Tovar | 12-03-11 |
360. | Tom | Warson | 12-03-11 |
361. | Dave | Zurawski | 12-03-11 |
362. | Anthony | Camme | 04-21-12 |
363. | Russ | Clouse | 04-21-12 |
364. | Nick | Tapiero | 04-21-12 |
365. | Alexander | Tapiero | 04-21-12 |
366. | Alexia | Vouloimanos | 04-21-12 |
367. | Victoria | Vouloumanos | 04-21-12 |
368. | David | DellaBella | 04-21-12 |
369. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
370. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
371. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
372. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
373. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
374. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
375. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
376. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
377. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
378. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
379. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
380. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
381. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
382. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
383. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
384. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
385. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
386. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
387. | Amit | Mysore | 09-08-12 |
388. | Nikolas | Pavincic | 09-08-12 |
389. | Joseph | Turchio | 09-08-12 |
390. | Justin | Cariton | 09-08-12 |
391. | Robert | Zoino | 09-08-12 |
392. | Zachary | Raina | 09-08-12 |
393. | Scott | Bruggeman | 09-08-12 |
394. | Joseph | Cucci | 09-08-12 |
395. | John | Grieci | 09-08-12 |
396. | Thomas | Parker | 09-08-12 |
397. | Nicholas | Chan | 12-08-12 |
398. | Fredilynn | Dong | 12-08-12 |
399. | William | Letona | 12-08-12 |
400. | Hayley | Prelich | 12-08-12 |
401. | Michael | McCormick | 12-08-12 |
402. | Chris | Bormida | 12-08-12 |
403. | Andrew | Demaio | 12-08-12 |
404. | Justin | Kroeger | 12-08-12 |
405. | Parker | Norton | 12-08-12 |
406. | Nick | Ramsey | 12-08-12 |
407. | Patrick | Parker | 02-05-13 |
408. | William | DeMatthews | 04-14-13 |
409. | Hunter | Smith | 04-20-13 |
410. | Lisa | Callahan | 04-20-13 |
411. | Kimberly | Callahan | 04-20-13 |
412. | Lauren | Speck | 04-20-13 |
413. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
414. | unknownv | unknown | unknown |
415. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
416. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
417. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
418. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
419. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
420. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
421. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
422. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
423. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
424. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
425. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
426. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
427. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
428. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
429. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
430. | unknown | unknown | unknown |
431. | Kyle | Winters | 12-14-13 |
432. | Brenden | Edgrworth | 12-14-13 |
433. | Jacob | Manna | 12-14-13 |
434. | Luke | Capro | 12-14-13 |
435. | Brian | DeSeno | 12-14-13 |
436. | John | Fox | 12-14-13 |
437. | Bob | Hammond | 12-14-13 |
438. | Matt | Miller | 12-14-13 |
439. | Kyle | Wenzel | 12-14-13 |
440. | Victor | Basinski | 12-14-13 |
441. | Jessica | McKay | 12-14-13 |
442. | Mike | Mileto | 12-14-13 |
443. | James | Belknap | 03-22-14 |
444. | Alexandra | Reyes | 03-22-14 |
445. | Jonathan | Turchio | 03-22-14 |
446. | Louie | Costanza | 03-22-14 |
447. | Callen | Elslager | 03-22-14 |
448. | Emmy | Macri | 03-22-14 |
449. | Gabriella | Macri | 03-22-14 |
450. | Mathew | Ventura | 03-22-14 |
451. | Kyle | Quigley | 03-22-14 |
452. | Jake | Sage | 03-22-14 |
453. | Joseph | Weidline | 03-22-14 |
454. | Robert | Bonardi | 08-02-14 |
455. | Zachary | Francese | 08-02-14 |
456. | Fabrizzio | Bagatoli | 08-02-14 |
457. | Ryan | Friedman | 09-02-14 |
458. | Shannon | Cholak | 08-02-14 |
459. | Kayshawn | Joseph | 08-02-14 |
460. | Jonathan | Haslach | 12-06-14 |
461. | Samara | Mowla | 12-06-14 |
462. | Aiden | Szmanski | 12-06-14 |
463. | Ariana | Bhatia | 12-06-14 |
464. | Sabrina | Butto | 12-06-14 |
465. | Karen | Carlton | 12-06-14 |
466. | Anthony | Lisi | 12-06-14 |
467. | Anthony | Marra | 12-06-14 |
468. | Michael | Murray | 12-06-14 |
469. | Hector | Santiago | 12-06-14 |
470. | Max | Ferraro | 12-06-14 |
471. | Alexandra | Nolan | 12-06-14 |
472. | Erin | Palmer | 12-06-14 |
473. | David | Scott | 12-06-14 |
474. | Dylan | Torres | 12-06-14 |
475. | Daniel | Urban | 04-18-15 |
476. | Simona | Ackerman | 04-18-15 |
477. | Adam | Sherman | 04-18-15 |
478. | Josh | Kides | 04-18-15 |
479. | Max | Smith | 04-29-15 |
480. | Cole | Duhigg | 08-29-15 |
481. | Sean | Hanily | 08-29-15 |
482. | Malachi | Harris | 08-29-15 |
483. | Christopher | Holl | 08-29-15 |
484. | Jonathan | Lucchese | 08-29-15 |
485. | Sam | Mele | 08-29-15 |
486. | Richie | Nichols | 08-29-15 |
487. | Derek | Martin | 08-29-15 |
488. | Aidan | Trainor | 08-29-15 |
489. | Luke | Trainor | 08-29-15 |
490. | Victoria | Vakser | 08-29-15 |
491. | Anna | Wingerter | 08-29-15 |
492. | Charles | Curry | 08-29-15 |
493. | Michael | O'Neill | 08-29-15 |
494. | Gabby | Atchison | 08-29-15 |
495. | Thomas | Damelio | 08-29-15 |
496. | Libby | Graver | 08-29-15 |
497. | Devin | Norton | 08-29-15 |
498. | Darryl | Henry | 11-21-15 |
499. | DJ | Henry | 11-21-15 |
500. | Ethan | Rodrigues | 11-21-15 |
501. | Nicholas | Shymanski | 11-21-15 |
502. | Joshua | Olin | 11-21-15 |
503. | Max | Novak | 11-21-15 |
504. | Julia | Ruditsky | 11-21-15 |
505. | Joe | Silvestri | 11-21-15 |
506. | Andrew | Daley | 4-30-16 |
507. | Ashley | Evans | 4-30-16 |
508. | Andrew | Lau | 4-30-16 |
509. | Kelvin | Lau | 4-30-16 |
510. | Jordan | Weber | 4-30-16 |
511. | Shannon | Beachem | 4-30-16 |
512. | Ian | Soutar | 4-30-16 |
513. | Veronica | Szenzenstein | 4-30-16 |
514. | Joseph | Samaritano | 7-30-16 |
515. | Anthony | Riello | 7-30-16 |
516. | John | Redvanly | 7-30-16 |
517. | Connor | Bolton | 7-30-16 |
518. | Justin | Woo | 7-30-16 |
519. | Anthony | Martinez | 7-30-16 |
520. | Caitlin | Schroeder | 7-30-16 |
521. | Michael | Safranek | 7-30-16 |
522. | Colin | Reilly | 7-30-16 |
523. | Patrick | DeMarinis | 7-30-16 |
524. | Rebecca | Roberts | 7-30-16 |
525. | Christian | Alexiou | 12-10-16 |
526. | Mark | Boehler | 12-10-16 |
527. | Alyson | Hansen | 12-10-16 |
528. | Michael | Lyristis | 12-10-16 |
529. | Jason | Rubinson | 12-10-16 |
530. | Andrew | Friedman | 12-10-16 |
531. | Max | Hawksby | 12-10-16 |
532. | Mishele | Milman | 12-10-16 |
533. | Charlie | Kisner | 12-10-16 |
534. | Gavin | Soutar | 12-10-16 |
535. | Landon | Beirne | 12-10-16 |
536. | Domenick | Crisalli | 12-10-16 |
537. | Jordan | DeFrancesco | 4-29-17 |
538. | Seth | Friedeman | 4-29-17 |
539. | Dante | Morisi | 4-29-17 |
540. | Samantha | Rivas | 4-29-17 |
541. | Alfonso | Sisto | 4-29-17 |
542. | Anderson | Stich | 4-29-17 |
543. | Allison | Wrubel | 4-29-17 |
544. | Vincent | Caputo | 4-29-17 |
545. | Kayla | Davis | 4-29-17 |
546. | Tiffany | Demonte | 4-29-17 |
547. | Morgan | Furstenberg | 4-29-17 |
548. | Gianna | Lombardi | 4-29-17 |
549. | Jake | Robbins | 4-29-17 |
550. | Aileen | Roldan | 4-29-17 |
551. | Joseph | Ferraro | 4-29-17 |
552. | Adam | Fox | 4-29-17 |
553. | John | Matlosz | 4-29-17 |
554. | Frank | Passantino | 4-29-17 |
555. | Will | Beam | 7-29-17 |
556. | Gina | Dige | 7-29-17 |
557. | Ryan | Hansen | 7-29-17 |
558. | Matthew | Kaufman | 7-29-17 |
559. | Eric | Kaufman | 7-29-17 |
560. | Madison | Sims | 7-29-17 |
561. | Riley | Stahl | 7-29-17 |
562. | Ryan | Westrich | 7-29-17 |
563. | Rachel | Curley | 7-29-17 |
564. | Emma | Mascillaro | 7-29-17 |
565. | Thomas | Libretto | 7-29-17 |
566. | Jennifer | Libretto | 7-29-17 |
567. | Allison | Parker | 7-29-17 |
568. | Patrick | Samways | 7-29-17 |
569. | Christopher | Michelli | 7-29-17 |
570. | Ashlyn | Martin | 7-29-17 |
571. | Tyler | Mileto | 7-29-17 |
572. | Kim | Mileto | 7-29-17 |
573. | Kyle | Kievit | 7-29-17 |
574. | Ryan | Kievit | 7-29-17 |
575. | Dora | Gibbons | 12-9-17 |
576. | Danielle | Murat | 12-9-17 |
577. | Ryan | Mackerer | 12-9-17 |
578. | Carl | Mackerer | 12-9-17 |
579. | Joseph | Sheehy | 12-9-17 |
580. | Brian | Larsen | 12-9-17 |
581. | Rachael | Violett | 12-9-17 |
582. | Ethan | Levin | 12-9-17 |
583. | Gregory | Carrillo | 12-9-17 |
584. | Andrew | Staniaszek | 12-9-17 |
585. | Dylan | Cobb | 12-9-17 |
586. | Noah | Cobb | 12-9-17 |
587. | Tyler | Robbins | 12-9-17 |
588. | Connor | Smith | 12-9-17 |
589. | Kyle | Curley | 12-9-17 |
590. | Andrew | Fata | 12-9-17 |
591. | Gavin | McLaughlin | 12-9-17 |
592. | Jared | McLaughlin | 12-9-17 |
593. | Connor | Reese | 12-9-17 |
594. | Alex | Rietmann | 12-9-17 |
American Combat Karate System (founded in early 1980's)
Near the end of the 1980's, Warren Montagnino formed American Combat Karate, which is a realistic street combat style, 10th degree.
First Name | Last Name |
Michael | Higgens |
Ronnie | Baer |
Pat | Abruzzo |
Chet | Pietrzak |
Ronald | MacKenzie |
Frank | Finnigan |
Lennie | Romeo |
Richard | Barathy |
Scott | Offner |
Mike | Ferlice |
Perry | Ferlice |
Frank | Pugliani |
Richard | Calvagno |
American ake Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
Established in 1992 by Charles Graham
The modern history of American Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan can be traced back to 1961. This is the year that Tae Kwon Do and Moo Duk Kwan formed one organization. As far as we are concerned, Master Chun Chae Kyu (instructor of Eugene Perceval Jr.), was the head of that organization. After returning home from Korea in 1964, Grandmaster Eugene Perceval Jr. (Click for bio), founded Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A. Students of GM Perceval included now GM Forrest Blair and GM Charles Graham (click for bio).
In 1974, ties were broken with GMs Eugene Perceval Jr. and Forrest Blair. This led to GM Graham's (then 3rd Dan) founding of American Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan in 1977. Grandmaster Graham vision was to bring about a renewal of the old philosophy with attitudes for the future. The newly formed organization began to set its course for its ensuing success and growth. It's also during this time that its most influential black belt instructors and masters began their training.
At that time, classes were held in the basement of "Chuck's" home on Phillips Avenue in Browns Mills. Those were the good ole' "basement days" that he fondly refers too. The basement days saw the foundation being established for what is now known as the American Moo Duk Kwan Federation. It was also a time in which our organization and system were in their initial stages of growth. The most influential instructors were being raised and mentored as leaders of this new organization. It wasn't uncommon to have multiple black belts instructors and masters such as Johnnie Q. Wade, Roy Wade, Jeffrey Whitehead, Ray Thomann, Herman Davis, Stanley Heath, Roy Donald, and many others be in attendance during class. It was a great time to train, as much wisdom and knowledge was shared by the pioneers of the system.
American Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan, under Grandmaster Graham, was unlike the traditional Korean schools and organizations that became popular in the 1970's and early 1980's. Although it maintained many of those early traditions, the organization's approach instilled American values while striving to develop a true warriors mentality. The strength, focus and direction of this organization was found in the diversity of its black belt membership. This made it very unique, genuine and tenable.
As a style, its influence is found in various Asian martial arts styles, American boxing, military technique, and grappling. The organization also adopted military discipline, a ranking system, and the use of traditional forms, modeled from Japanese Shotokan kata modified by the early Korean martial arts founders.
Under his guidance, the American Moo Duk Kwan Federation was established in 1992. This organization was formulated to provide a strong, unified and credible body of martial artists. The American Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation is credited with producing many high caliber black belt instructors and masters who continue to uphold and promote its legacy, history and traditions.
# | First Name | Last Name |
1. | Michael | Andrews |
2. | Bruce | Chapman |
3. | Herman | Davis |
4. | Roy | Donald |
5. | Stanley | Heath |
6. | Mike | Lawrence |
7. | James | Lee |
8. | Paul | Lovette |
9. | Jonne | Majors |
10. | Carlos | Martin |
11. | Joe | Martin |
12. | Louis | Perry |
13. | Raymond | Thomann |
14. | Johnnie | Wade |
15. | R.D. | Wade |
16. | Jeffrey | Whitehead |
17. | James | Young |
Note: Black belt names that were compiled in 1998
(Names with dates are in association with blackbelt recognition)
Last Name | First Name |
Andrews, | Chris |
Angeles, | Riggie |
Anghelone, | Ryan |
Ansert, | Charles |
Arway, | Dewy |
Atiech, | Jahad |
Botti, | Elizabeth |
Boyle, | Patrick |
Brown, | Shanigua |
Bullock, | John |
Burfine, | David |
Canestrari, | Eleanor |
Canter, | Steven |
Caorossi, | Nick |
Cardazone, | Jamie |
Cardazone, | Michael |
Carter, | Carol |
Chang, | Brian |
Choi, | John |
Cohen, | Kenny |
Colamonico, | Stephen |
Daniels, | Theodore |
DeFusco, | Michel |
Delouche, | Shaun |
Dombrowski, | Tiffany |
Eisenbacker, | David |
Elliott, | Ryan |
Faber, | Ross |
Finley, | Ken |
Fransciso, | Robert |
Frishckman, | Michael |
Gangemi, | Joe |
Ginsberg, | Mark |
Grant, | Timothy |
Grove, | Tim |
Hadj, | Salem Karim |
Hall, | David |
Hutchinson, | Amos |
Ingram, | Roger |
Ingrisani, | Lauren |
Jackson, | Anthony |
Jones, | Ronald E. |
Kay, | Scott |
Kelley, | Mike |
Khanna, | Amit |
King, | Dave |
Kinsella-Shaw, | Tara |
Kostaris, | Evan |
Leichtman, | Theresa |
Locatelli, | Bobby |
Love, | Dwight E. |
Magers, | JoAnn |
Magielnicki, | Michael |
Maiorino, | Armando |
Marks, | Anthony |
Martin, | Angelique |
McMillan, | T. Lee |
McMillan, | Ted |
Mennitt, | Christian |
Merson, | Matt |
Micale, | Jessica |
Micale, | Michael |
Monaco, | Michael |
Monaco, | Michael |
Moore, | Marvin |
Morles, | Frank |
Morris, | Daniel |
Morris, | Stephen |
Myers, | John |
Nick, | Beth Ann |
O'Brien, | Sean |
Orfan, | John |
Padegimas, | Joseph |
Pagan, | Carlos |
Pagan, | Valerie |
Phares, | Thomas |
Pietrazak, | Jeff |
Quinlan, | Brian |
Quintana, | Luis |
Spears Repollet (02-07-1987) | Joyce "Darlene" |
Rios, | Vincent |
Ritz, | Corey |
Rivera, | Jose |
Roberts, | Arthur |
Roesh, | Hans |
Ronucci, | Christeen |
Roth, | Cali |
Scarano, | Joel |
Scarano, | Michael |
Schumacher, | Karen |
Seals, | Ronald |
Shaw, | John |
Shea, | Mike |
Siemon, | James |
Siemon, | Kim |
Smirk, | Brian |
Smith, | Kate |
Smith, | Kevin |
South, | Michael |
Sparacino, | Craig |
Spears (12-17-1988) | Jimmy |
Spears (05-05-2007) | Bryan Jaime |
Stewart, | Ben |
Taylor, | Daniel |
Tedesco, | Paul |
Thom, | Rob |
Valkos, | John |
Valkos, | Michael |
Vasata, | Billy |
Weaver, | Mike |
Weissbein, | Darek |
White, | Nathan |
Wilson, | Al |
Zucker, | Steven |
Norwegian Branch of Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan
Note: Three schools compiled in October 2015
First/Middle Name | Last Name | Rank |
Master Pal-Erik | Ruud | 7th Dan |
Master Anders | Kittelsen | 4th Dan |
Master David | Nymoen | 4th Dan |
Master Terje | Forsund | 4th Dan |
Inge J. R. | Gammelli | 3rd Dan |
Lars | Eliassen | 3rd Dan |
Jan Tore | Ovrevik | 3rd Dan |
Desiree | Andreassen | 2nd Dan |
Rune | Helberg | 2nd Dan |
Tor Arne | Sandholt | 2nd Dan |
Joakim | Eliassen | 2nd Dan |
Tina | Roe Skaar | 2nd Dan |
Kristoffer | Torseth | 2nd Dan |
Allan | Soreng | 2nd Dan |
Ken | Holter | 2nd Dan |
Sindre | Petersen | 1st Dan |
Tor Arne | Sandholt | 1st Dan |
Hilde | Olstad | 1st Dan |
Joachim | Sandoy | 1st Dan |
Harald Olstad | Opsahl | 1st Dan |
Ida B. | Solvang | 1st Dan |
Marie | Hov | 1st Dan |
Hanne | Opsahl | 1st Dan |
Karoline | Hov | 1st Dan |
Andres | Sandholt | 1st Dan |
Morten | Henriksen | 1st Dan |
Elise | Heggelund | 1st Dan |
Ida | Sjovold | 1st Dan |
Ola Solli | Gronningsaeter | 1st Dan |
Rober Saebo | Nilsen | 1st Dan |
Odd Steinar | Snortheim | 1st Dan |
Gerd | Skjavik | 1st Dan |
Raymond | Andreassen | 1st Dan |
Bjornar | Braten | 1st Dan |
Ian | Siggers | 1st Dan |
Jan | Mathiesen | 1st Dan |
Arne | Amblie | 1st Dan |
Espen | Hauge | 1st Dan |
Tov | Runar Kruke | 1st Dan |
Dan Willy | Pettersen | 1st Dan |
Paul | Petttersen | 1st Dan |
Bengt | Pettersen | 1st Dan |
Tonje | Saether | 1st Dan |
First/Middle Name | Last Name | Rank |
Master Knut | Brende | 5th Dan |
Kristoffer | Brende | 3rd Dan |
Tom | Hermansen | 2nd Dan |
Tor | Iversen | 1st Dan |
Terje | Stensby | 1st Dan |
Robert | Taasen | 1st Dan |
First/Middle Name | Last Name | Rank |
Master JosteinAksel | Skjonberg | 4th Dan |
Master Stale | Anderson | 4th Dan |
Michael | Alfiler | 1st Dan |
Roy Arne | Holtet | 1st Dan |
Raven | Deadman | 1st Dan |
Hans Eirik | Nilssen | 1st Dan |
Black Belts from the Tonji System
First Name | Last Name |
Mel | Roberts |
Shannon | Boggan |
Norman | Taylor |
James | Grace |
Ben | Outlaw |
Todd | Graham |
Paul | Boyle |
Chuck | Cowan |
Third degree and below:
First Name | Last Name |
Vernita | Roberts |
Claudia | Schaffer |
Jeana | Sabatini |
Eric | Pease |
Nik | Iaciavelli |
Jennifer | Gross |
Bill | Steiner |
Michelle | Bonocurso |
Stephanie | Waskawicz |
Chuck | Kemmerer |
Matt | Ceriale |
Kent | Roberts |
Jamie | Roberts |
Black Belts from the Hard/Soft System
First Name | Last Name |
Roy | Wade |
Bobbie | Wade |
Ivan | Mendez |
Tyrone | DeWitt |
Under Master Ranking:
First Name | Last Name |
Saul | Diaz |
Ed | Dubinsky |
Alveron | Jackson |
Charles | Page |
Darin | Schaffer |
Eddie | Townsend |
Arron | Payne |
Renee | Townsend |
Earl | McCartney |
Ryan | McCartney |
Jason | Bowman |
Brian | Bower |
Joseph | Saccert |
Eugene | Richardson |
Jerry | Murphy |