Grand Master Gene Perceval
Adventures of the Unseen Ninja's
This is a martial arts game that is exciting,fun, and filled with loads of physical and mental skills, with the winner not known until the final outcome.
This is a martial arts game that is exciting. Fun, and loads of physical and mental skill with the unknown winner until the final outcome.
This is a combination of stealth and deception, using the students concentration, attention and hearing senses.
This martial arts game is both physical and mental that include students from young to adult.
When kids are playing, the parents can enjoy the excitement watching their child participating in playing the unseen ninja game.
Among martial art students- attention, concentration and focus seems to be one of the biggest hurtles to overcome, both in children and adults. We all have the same problem of unwanted thoughts sneaking into our cognition when we want to concentrate and or focus on something.
This ninja game is one of the better ways in which a martial arts student can be guided in the correct path on how to expand there attention beyond the average human.
Everyone enjoys doing things that are challenging and fun. Most martial art classes of today are limited in time. I run a very strict and etiquette class, but I also enjoy giving my students mental and physical challenges knowing that they benefit from that class. Also, the ninja game is another approach to rewarding students once in awhile especially among the kids.
The unseen ninja can be played anyplace not just inside a martial arts class, you just need sufficient room indoors or outside.
Benefits of playing "Adventures of the Useen Ninja's":The game gives the martial arts student "The ninja" the opportunity to pretend to live in the past where the ninja used strategies, stealth and deception to achieve their goals. The ninja's mind must be cleared of any distractions so the ninja can focus on his/her senses (mostly sounds) because ninja's worked under darkness just as the game does by wearing blindfolds.
The martial arts ninja not only has to be aware of his/her own heightened senses, but also be able to analyze the reactions of the other ninja's participating as well. It is like a game of "Human chess blindfolded" For each move your opponent (ninja) makes, you must be able to strategize a contingency plan to beat them.
Equipment needed to play the game:
- blindfold for each ninja playing.
- items that make a soft noise that can be heard by the other ninjas. Clicker, soft clap of the hands, or almost any item. That's it.
Each ninja participating has an instructor assistant to insure that each ninja moving doesn't hurt themselves by walking into something that may injure them.
Most important of the rules.
The area in which the ninjas are participating must be completely silent, including students not participating in the game. The exception is the instructor giving the commands.
There are several advantages in playing the unseen ninja's game.
- Students participating and students not playing are taught discipline in being respectful by keeping quiet.
- Students who haven't yet played learn from those playing, and how to strategize when their turn comes up.
- We have five senses: Sight, taste, smell, touch and hearing. In the ninja game we become dependent on our hearing. Each ninja will be constantly processing sounds and where they are coming from. Also hearing helps us with our balance.
- The ninja game can be played as a reward during certain classes or on special occasions.
Who is going to play the game.
We are going to use two players, Ninja 1 and Ninja 2.- Prior to starting the unseen ninja game.
- The instructor will select the players (ninjas).
- The instructor should have one person to assist each ninja.
- Just before the game starts, the instructor will designate who will be ninja one and two.
The assistants will place the blindfolds on each ninja to insure they cant see anything.
The instructor will call out to one of the ninja's which he/sh will respond indicating that they know their number when called during the game. The same for each player.
Safety of each ninja.
As an instructor, safety is the most important concern for your students. There will be one of your assistants for each ninja. They will stay close but not too close to insure that a ninja doesn't hurt themselves or others; they would guide them away from danger or non- participating players.
At no time can a ninja talk during the game. If there is a problem the ninja should point to indicate that problem, such as the blindfold needs adjustment. At no time can a ninja touch his/her blindfold.
To touch gently the top of each ninjas head, once done, that ninja is out of the game. Each ninja is allowed one over head swing to touch another's head for each command given.
- When the first command is given, it will be to ninja number one. Number one is to make a sound. If number two doesn't hear the sound, that ninja will raise their right hand to be repeated. A simple wave would indicate the sound was heard. The same thing when number two is called to make a sound.
- When the second command is given, each ninja would take one complete step in any direction he/she chooses.
- If a ninja wants to remain in one spot when the command is given, that ninja would raise his/her left hand to let the instructor know they want to remain there. Remember, right hand can't hear, left hand wants to remain.
Beginning the game.
The assistants will hold their ninja by the shoulders from the back. They would proceed to walk the ninja in circles while spinning them. The assistant will move along with the ninja in circles as well to different locations within the area, this way the ninja doesn't know where they are or which direction they're facing.
Each ninja has ten seconds or less to make one complete step.
- Knowing where you are in the room is not that important, unless the ninja intends to stay behind an item or kicking bag.
- It is important in knowing and remembering where and which direction each ninja is and heading.
- A ninja can can use any means possible if he/she comes across an item or person once he/she is blindfolded and the game is started (providing it falls within the game rules).
- As a means of strategy, a ninja can keep one foot in place while the other foot reaches out and the ninja also extends his/her hand to make a noise to confuse where their location is, but must return the foot back to the other original location.
- Getting down prone, one knee, both knees is permitted.
- Ninjas should pay attention to other ninjas making sounds with their feet, uniform, sniffling and heavy breathing.
The instructor should keep moving around as not to have a fixed location.
Before starting your first game, it is suggested that the more senior students begin in order to demonstrate.
Objectives (depending on how the game is played):
Game 1: To be the last ninja to survive without being touched on the head is the winner.
Game 2: To eliminate as many ninjas as possible when having more than two ninja's playing.
Enjoy your new unseen - Ninja's game.
You now have the basic rules. Have fun, (which I know you will).
It is a game everyone can enjoy, even those watching.
Grand Master Gene Perceval
Pioneer and founder
In the arts since 1955