Martial Arts First Aid:
"Be Prepared for the Unexpected"
As a black belt instructor in the martial arts, every action and move you make must take into account the safety of your students in order to minimize the possibility of an accident. This level of knowledge is what sets you apart from the others who are not as qualified to teach the martial arts. This is one reason why it takes such a long time to become a qualified black belt or instructor.
Safety First!
Every person in your school is under your supervision. Everyone, both on and off the training area, is your responsibility. The actions you take will determine whether or not your response to an injury, illness or other situation can be successful.
This martial art first aid information is compiled from our knowledge and from medical reference materials. The information is in no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical care. The enclosed first-aid information is provided to increase your knowledge of first-aid in the martial arts.
- • This information will help you assess most physical problems that may occur while teaching.
- • This information will teach you basic first aid applications.
- • This information is designed to help the instructor to recognize and evaluate symptoms, and to determine the correct course of action.
- • Remember that the safety of your students takes priority over everything else in the martial arts.
This first aid information can be used as a teaching tool:
- • The objective is to teach students the importance of knowing first aid.
- • The student will know how to distinguish between the following: Non-emergencies. Minor first aid. Moderate first aid. Major medical emergencies.
- • How to identify an injury.
- • How to respond and apply first aid.
- • When a student learns first aid, he/she also learns about the human body and its functions. Along with this, the student will have a better understanding of what his/her capabilities are, and how to avoid over training or risky movements that may cause injury to him/herself or a fellow student.
To read more about each topic, please see "Human Body" section at the top of the navigational menu.