Grand Master Gene Perceval
The martial arts mental and physical abilities
The martial arts are an exact science.
Prelude: An experienced martial artist understands and knows how the mind and body reacts when confronted with danger. One way which I describe the martial arts is to have the ability to hold a baby gently with one hand and fight off a tiger fiercely with the other hand. What this means is, having the ability to remain calm and in complete control, while at the same time defending yourself against a dangerous attacker. There is an old Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang a culture that developed 3,500 years ago. Everything that exists in the universe are inseparable and contradictory opposites are in harmony.
Yin and Yang of a highly skilled martial arts concept. The life of a highly trained martial artist, who lives in a world that we all share together, yet, a true martial artist thinks and reacts in a way that is, a world within itself in many ways.
Ones limits are imposed by oneself. The average person may have different opinions in comprehending how a highly trained martial artist can take such physical abuse and punishment. for example, pounding at each other, smashing items with their bare hands and/or feet, and being oblivious to pain. If this was to be explained and seen outside of the martial arts world, you would see a highly skilled martial artist with a complete awareness of their limitations or bounds.
It all comes down to a split second. To begin with, a highly skilled martial artist has complete confidence in themselves due to the years or decades of mental and physical training. They are well aware of what they are capable of achieving. Along those lines, some martial artists over time, will gradually lose their fear of other humans, even while being attacked. Yet, due to their knowledge, training, skill, and self-confidence, a martial artist is taught to respect everyone, including nature.
WARNING! Not for the younger martial artist to read. A highly skilled and trained martial artists has the ability to seriously injure someone or even take their life by using precise movements and accuracy in less than one second. If the martial artist has no alternative and is forced to defend themselves or loved ones, they are left with few alternatives, but always in complete control of their emotions and physical abilities. If ever forced to defend themselves with no means of escape, the martial artists is left with no choice but to react swiftly and precisely.
A true story. Are your hands registered with the police?
There was a rumor that started in the late 1930's to the late 1940's. The famous boxer Joe Louis had his hands registered with the police as "deadly weapons" before a fight. As a publicity stunt, Joe Lewi's promoters would bring a police officer to the weigh-ins and have his hands registered as "deadly weapons" before the fight. This rumor and myth was carried with him throughout most of his carrier. Unfortunately, this rumor years later, expanded to include the martial artist of that day, and that all black belts must also register with the police that their hands (which also include the body) are considered a deadly weapon. Of course, none of this is true today, there is no such thing as registering with any type of law enforcement agency. But if you are a professional in the fighting field, and seriously injure someone, and it should come out in a court room, who then is the loser?

You are entitled to defend yourself by law. First, let's explain the law, at least in New York. If you, as a martial artist are attacked, then by all means, you have every right to defend yourself using your martial art skills. However, you should also understand the extent of your ability and know when to stop, and when to avoid a confrontation.
You are required to follow the guidelines of the law.
As an experienced martial artist, you should be especially careful when involved in a fight, especially if you seriously injure or cause the death of someone. No matter what, you can't abuse the use of your skills. You must follow the guidelines of the law. What is meant by that is: as a martial artist, if you are attacked by a person or persons, you are only permitted to defend yourself, a loved one, or you may also use your martial arts skills to protect another person from the imminent threat or harm or death. As a martial artist, you are not permitted to take the law into your own hands and become the judge and the jury.
A short story that explains the above:
You are an experienced martial artist driving your car, let's say out in the country. And something went wrong with your car and you pulled over to the side of the road. You lift up the hood and find out it was the battery. As you disconnected the battery you notice a car pulls up behind yours. The person approaches and you assume that they're going to offer their assistance. As the person approaches closer to you, a knife is pulled out with the intent to stab you, let's say to steal your money or whatever. You noticed the knife thrust toward you through the corner of your eye while holding the battery in your hands, you quickly turn and hit the person hard in the upper chest using the battery. The person falls to the ground and hits the back of the head on the surface and becomes semiconscious. The person is seriously hurt enough where you are no longer in any danger. By law, you had little to no time to evade the knife attack. You were left with no choice but to react immediately and impulsively in order to defended yourself at the last moment (done without planning in advance), regardless of the physical results done too the attacker. You call the police and remain there.
Let's change the same story.
Things were not going well that day with the car problem, being late and stranded, then to be attacked with a knife. Your emotions were not in the correct order and highly aggravated.After you knocked the knife attacker to the ground with your battery, the attacker was no longer in a condition to be a further threat to you. But instead, you decided to teach the attacker a lesson. You decided to take the caps off the battery and began pouring the battery acid down the knife attacker's throat.What just happened? You just decided to take the law into your own hands. You made the decision to become the judge, jury and executioner. As a martial artist, you abused your martial arts unseen skills and took advantage of the opportunity and situation to satisfy your bad day, you fixed the battery problem and drove off leaving the attacker, not knowing his condition.
An advanced martial artist should have the ability to:
To focus on a single thought both internally and externally (physical movements). in its advance form, to have the ability to focus on several things at the same time. When a martial artist moves or applies a technique, they should eventually be able to control every moving part of their body that is involved in producing that technique. To have the ability to control their emotions close to or at 100 percent of the time.
To have the ability to take control and defuse a bad situation. A martial artist is instilled in them from the beginning of their martial arts carrier, that they are not permitted mentally to provoke a fight. Most all martial arts schools do not permit street fighting.
The ability to control breathing even when in danger. This is very difficult, but takes a lot of self control.